Want to be more physically active and save the planet?

Here are 10 Top Tips from Active Humber - the region’s physical active partnership - on how to do just that.

Becoming more physically active and environmentally conscious can seem daunting. But when broken down into smaller fragments, adopting a greener, more active lifestyle is not as overwhelming to achieve and is within everyone’s reach. It takes just one positive step to spark a cascade of positive outcomes. 

1. Travel responsibly
One of the most efficient ways of lowering your environmental impact is by travelling responsibly. This means, whenever you can, choosing a more sustainable way to get from A to B - walk or cycle when you can. 

  • Walk or cycle part of your journey to work or the shops.

  • Get off before your usual bus stop to walk part of the way.

  • If you drive, park further away from your workplace and walk or cycle the rest of the way.

  • Go for a walk or cycle with your friend rather than meeting for coffee.

  • Set an alarm on your phone to move every 30 minutes.

  • Try to fit in exercise before or after work, or even during your lunch break.

2. Less lifts, more steps
According to a publication by MHealthy - a green initiative at the University of Michigan - the average person generates approximately 
6.5 kg of carbon emissions annually by using lifts. To save electricity and limit your carbon footprint, think about using the stairs whenever possible, which, in addition to helping the environment, will benefit your health and fitness too. 

3. Get help to get active
Not sure how to get physically active? There is lots of help available from the NHS at
 Get active - Better Health - NHS (www.nhs.uk) and also check out the Active Humber website as well as the Sport England website.

4. Be active at home
The local gym is a bit daunting for many. So here’s how to skip the carbon intensive drive to the gym and do an eco-friendly workout at home:
 13 Best Eco-Friendly Home Workout Equipment [New and Updated] - Rebel Heart Fitness 
Are you using the treadmill at the gym? Why not be eco-friendly and do the cardio section of your work out to and from the gym as a walk, jog, run or cycle. Saving lots of carbon!

5. Support sustainable sport brands
There are many brands available that add value to the environment and practice ethical regulations, from sourcing sustainable materials to ensuring fair trade practices are upheld and optimising the wellbeing of workers. 
Use your purchasing power and make sure your money is going towards positive change. By supporting sporting eco-friendly products which are less damaging to the environment, you’re encouraging companies to source and produce their products in a sustainable way.
Check out these links on eco activewear for women and men:

6. Kick plastic out of sport
Sport is plagued with plastic so be the eco-warrior and sign up to Kick plastics out of sport, all the details are here:
 Kicking Plastic Out of Sport: PFJ social media pack - Preventing Plastic Pollution 

7. Get active for the planet and dig!         
Gardening is one of the very best forms of physical activity. If you grow vegetables, you can even have organic veg which is so good for the planet, and your health. Find out from our colleagues, and fellow Oh Yes! Net Zero members, the
 Hull Food Partnership on how to garden and in the process be more physically active, eat better whilst saving the planet.

8. Enjoy our parks and open spaces
For the very first time, a national report has shown the economic value of health benefits people get from our public parks and green spaces. The research shows that for each £1 spent by local authorities and their partners on public green space, the local community enjoys at least £27 back in social value. Support your local park by being active! Our parks and open spaces have a vital role in cooling the air when the temperature heats up as well as cleaning the air all year round. Fill your lungs in your park with good clean life enhancing air.
9. Participate in local clean ups
There are many local projects that you can get involved with that help the planet. Beach clean-ups are one of the most popular ways to help clear litter, prevent waste entering marine ecosystems and reduce the amount of waste products polluting the environment overall. You also do lots of physical activity.
Devoting a morning or an afternoon once or twice a week will make a big difference in the long run. It’s also a fun way to get friends and family involved in an activity that benefits the environment and their personal health and well-being.

10. Get to know your local wildlife
Many of us have spent more time than ever exploring nature on our doorstep during the pandemic. Use the 
Seek app to identify what you see.  

About Active Humber

Active Humber is also one of the 43 Active Partnerships located across England which as a charitable company has the vision for the Humber, that it is a place where everyone is physically active every day, for themselves, their communities, and their planet.

The Humber is the second most physically inactive place in England and that is damaging our long-term health and wellbeing. Being physically active is vital to our individual personal health and a great way to help save the planet.
Want to find out more about what Active Humber does? Visit
 Active Humber or email info@activehumber.co.uk . Active Humber’s strategy can be found here Active Humber strategy.


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