‘Focus on what you can do, not on what you can’t’

Oh Yes! Net Zero member Springfield Solutions began its carbon reduction journey in 2019 with the aim of cutting energy costs. Four years on the firm’s drive to reduce its emissions is stronger than ever – for reasons that go beyond cost savings. Managing director Matt Dass shares lessons learned along the way.

Hull-based Springfield Solutions designs and makes digital packaging assets for household, food and beauty brands. Founded in 1975, it was acquired last month by All4Labels Global Packaging Group, with the two firms joining forces to progress their shared vision of becoming the world-leading supplier of sustainable, digital packaging solutions.

“Our journey towards net zero really started in 2019, although we didn’t refer to net zero at that time, or realise it would be a journey,” said Matt.

“It began as a drive to reduce our energy costs, and from the start we knew we would be more successful if we involved all our people in making it happen, partly because we thought they would agree it was the right thing to do, but mainly because we knew they’d be the source of brilliant ideas.

“So we launched an internal campaign called ‘Feeling Green’. As part of it, we tasked two people with engaging and encouraging their colleagues to come up with ideas, promoting what we were trying to do through things like stickers reminding people to turn off lights and equipment.

“It wasn’t long before a member of the team identified an opportunity to save £4k a year simply by switching off eight large pieces of print equipment overnight and at the weekend. They had never been turned off before and no-one had questioned this – but it turned out there was no operational or mechanical reason for leaving them on.”

The savings unlocked by this and other ideas allowed Springfield to invest in bigger energy reduction projects that produced longer-term savings.

Matt explained; “In 2020 we installed LED lighting, then in 2021 we began purchasing all our energy from 100% renewable sources.

“But we still weren’t talking about net zero – we were driven mainly by it being the right thing to do from a cost perspective, although it was around this time that some of our customers started asking us what we were doing on the sustainability front.

“Our employees had continued to come forward with ideas to reduce our environmental impact, leading us to introduce sustainable workwear and consumables, as well as a new IT system that is much less energy-intensive.

“We also installed 96 solar panels on the roof of our building to generate our own energy – which turned out to be an even better investment than planned on the back of the energy crisis.

“It wasn’t until March 2022, when two colleagues and I attended a three-day course on climate change at the Aura Innovation Centre, that we had our net zero ‘lightbulb moment’.

“At that point the penny dropped about the bigger picture and the implications of the UK and the world not achieving net zero. It stirred a passion for getting this right that goes beyond the needs of our business. 

“We wanted all our people to be bought into the wider purpose behind the changes we were making, so we invited Professor Dan Parsons, who had led the course, to come and speak to our employees about climate change.

“Since then we’ve established carbon net zero goals and have a 'Climate Champion' in each area of the business to drive action on our existing carbon reduction activities and identify new initiatives that will take us further.”

As a member of the Oh Yes! Net Zero steering group Matt has been a key figure in encouraging other organisations across the region to take action towards net zero. We asked what advice he would give to businesses that want to get started.

1.     Harness the enthusiasm of your people.

“They will all be aware of climate change and many will have a passion for the environment. They’re also experts in their part of your business and are well-placed to come up with brilliant ideas, so their early buy-in is vital.”

2.     Focus on what you can do, not what you can’t.

“We started small and used the cost savings to fund energy-saving investments that had a bigger impact. Identifying the low-hanging fruit was the key that unlocked our journey.”

3.     Start now.

“The sooner you take action the more successful you will be in the long term. It will help you save money, win and keep more business, and attract more talent. Acting now – before your customers demand action, and before there are government penalties for inaction – is the key to future-proofing your business.” 

You can find more information on Springfield Solutions’ net zero goals and activities, including how it is reducing the environmental impact of its own products and services through innovations like its Eco Zone labels, on its website.


Calculate your personal carbon footprint with help from the WWF


Measure, manage, improve: three vital steps on the path to decarbonisation