Five reasons to develop a carbon reduction plan for your business

At Oh Yes! Net Zero we’re all about supporting local organisations to take action towards net zero.

One of the most important steps on the journey is developing a carbon reduction plan (CRP) that outlines your carbon footprint, your targets to reduce it and the actions you’ll take to achieve these.

One in three of our members already has a carbon reduction plan and we want as many more as possible to join them.

As well as enabling you to become more environmentally sustainable, developing a CRP can lead to lots of other benefits. Here’s what Oh Yes! members say are some of the most important ones.

1. Cost savings

Ash Wray, director of Hull-based sustainability consultancy and Oh Yes! member C3 Group, says: “It’s not surprising that many organisations are driven to take their first steps towards net zero by the desire to reduce their energy costs, especially given the huge increase in gas and electricity prices we’ve seen over the past couple of years.

“The good news is most of them can achieve substantial savings very quickly and easily just by having someone look at their premises and operations with fresh eyes.

“An initial independent assessment of your premises can unlock energy savings through relatively low-cost improvements, such as better insulation or double glazing windows. These savings can then be invested in more energy-efficient lighting or heating, or in renewable energy sources if that’s the best solution for you.”

2. Improved efficiency and innovation

The drive to reduce carbon emissions can encourage innovation and unlock new and better ways of doing business.

Ethical cleaning products manufacturer Bio-D is a great example of this. The Oh Yes! Net Zero member often works with PhD students to explore the sustainability of its products and packaging, with the most recent cohort of students investigating replacing Bio-D’s washing powder packaging film with what the company hopes will be a better alternative.

3. Access to funding

Did you know government grants are available for businesses that adopt environmentally-friendly practices that will reduce their carbon emissions? At a local level, both Hull City Council and East Riding of Yorkshire Council provide funding towards the installation of low-carbon equipment and systems, from solar energy to LED lighting.

Phil Hall, enterprise development manager at Hull City Council, says: “The economic development teams at both councils have the same essential remit – which is to provide support to help businesses across the region become more successful, which includes being more sustainable.”

4. Supply chain opportunities

Many larger companies and public sector organisations now require their suppliers to have sustainability practices in place – and having a CRP can open up more opportunities to work with these organisations.

As Paul Andrews, director of global energy at Oh Yes! member Smith+Nephew, says: “In a few years you won't be able to work with the NHS if you don’t have a carbon reduction plan and report your numbers.

“Organisations that recognise not just carbon, but wider ESG issues are normally more robust, have better planning and are able to look forward to changing markets.”

5. Competitive advantage

Demonstrating a commitment to sustainability can differentiate you from competitors, potentially enhancing your reputation among customers, employees and other stakeholders who value environmental responsibility.

Matt Dass, managing director of packaging firm Springfield Solutions – an Oh Yes! Net Zero member with a wealth of experience in carbon reduction activities – advises businesses hoping to gain a competitive advantage through greater sustainability to start today.

“The sooner you take action the more successful you will be in the long term - it will help you save money, win and keep more business, and attract more talent,” he says.

“Acting now – before your customers demand action, and before there are government penalties for inaction – is the key to future-proofing your business.”

Can we help you to create a carbon reduction plan for your organisation? Oh Yes!

Our Carbon Clinic workshops give Oh Yes! Net Zero members expert, practical support to calculate their carbon footprint and put in place a carbon reduction plan. Find out more here .


Oh Yes! Net Zero workshop helps tech-based training firm create carbon reduction plan