Awards scheme recognises net zero progress

In January we launched our Oh Yes! Net Zero membership awards, which recognise and promote organisations’ commitment to reducing carbon emissions.

Six months on, more than 20 members have achieved a Gold, Silver or Bronze award – with many others eligible to receive one, having made important progress towards net zero.

We talked to Oh Yes! Net Zero’s community engagement manager, Melissa Rackham, about why the awards were introduced and what achieving one signifies.

“On joining Oh Yes! Net Zero, organisations agree to do three things that demonstrate they are taking action to cut their carbon footprint,” she explained.

“Firstly, we ask that they commit to sharing their organisation’s carbon reduction plan; secondly, we want them to champion our movement by encouraging employees to play a part in their plan; and, finally, we ask members to collaborate with others, sharing their carbon reduction experiences so organisations across the region can learn and benefit from them.

“The awards are a way for members to tell us how they’re doing in terms of these pledges, as well as a way of promoting more widely their commitment to taking action towards net zero.”

Fulfilling any one of the three pledges means a member can achieve a Bronze award, while fulfilling any two of the three results in a Silver award.

Gold membership is reserved for organisations that can demonstrate they have met all three requirements. In practice, this means providing Oh Yes! Net Zero with a copy of your carbon reduction plan and the name/s of employees designated as sustainability champion/s within your workforce; and showing evidence that you are either collaborating with other organisations on carbon reduction activities or sharing your learnings publicly.

Among the 16 members to achieve a Gold award so far is Wren Kitchens, which has committed to achieving net zero by 2030.

The firm formed a partnership with the University of Hull last year that will support this ambition by mapping the carbon emissions of its full supply chain and measuring the carbon emissions of each of its products, enabling customers to make more sustainable purchasing choices.

Trevor Nixon, head of environment, health and safety at Wren Kitchens, said: “Having committed to achieving net zero by 2030, we have a clear plan to embed sustainability within every aspect of our business.

“Our partnership with the University is helping to make this happen, and is also a great example of the power of collaboration to help individual organisations businesses and the region as a whole reduce carbon emissions.

“Achieving an Oh Yes! Net Zero membership award is a way of demonstrating to customers, employees and other stakeholders that we’re serious about reducing our environmental impact.”

Finding out if your organisation is eligible for a membership award is simple and involves using this online tool to answer a few questions.

Melissa said: “It should take you no longer than five minutes, and you’ll find out straight away if you’re eligible for a Gold, Silver or Bronze award.

“In the meantime, congratulations to all the other members below on their awards – and on making important progress towards net zero!”


Active Humber

BACB Renewables

City Health Care Partnership CIC

East Yorkshire Buses

Greens the Signmakers

Hull City Council

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

MS3 Networks Ltd

Ongo Homes




Springfield Solutions

The Bio-D Company Ltd

Willerby Ltd

Wren Kitchens



Hull and East Yorkshire Children’s University

Hull Food Partnership

Relay Port Agency Ltd

Vertual Ltd

Humber Lofts Serviced Suites & Residences

Future Humber


Forward and Thinking Ltd


Pace Communications

Turpin Accounting Services

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

Andrew Jackson
Solicitors LLP

Lazenby Group


New workshops help members kickstart carbon reduction plans